
Pursuant to article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on personal data protection
If you decide to attend the Event, we collect some personal data (name, surname, business e-mail addresses, phone, the company you work for). The processing of these data is necessary for organizational reasons in order to allow only invited persons to attend the Event.

The legal basis for the processing is therefore the execution of pre-contractual measures taken in response to your decision to participate in the Event (Art. 6 letter b) GDPR).

Your data will be processed by Brembo N.V. authorized personnel, in particular by the After Market Global Business Unit team, and will be also disclosed to Cisalpina, acting as our Data Processor, to manage the organization of the Event and also in order to contact you directly by phone or e-mail for confirm your attendance to the Event.

The data will be processed within the EU. We will retain your data only for the period necessary to manage the Event and therefore they will be deleted shortly after the Event.

The Data Controller is Brembo N.V., with legal seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and with business and corporate address in Bergamo, via Stezzano 87 – 24126, Italy, phone number 00390356052111, represented by its Legal Representative for the time being. The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is available at the following e-mail address

You can exercise your right provided by articles 15 and subsequent of the GDPR, to the extent they apply, by sending an email to or by mail to the legal address of Brembo NV provided above. If you have unresolved concerns, you also have the right to raise complaints with data protection authorities.
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