Pokyny na výmenu brzdových strmeňov na osobných a ľahkých úžitkových vozidlách

Prosím dodržujte všetky pokyny. Rovnaké pokyny nájdete na balení brzdových strmeňov. Nezabudnite ich uchovávať počas celej životnosti výrobku. V prípade predaja vozidla ich odovzdajte novému majiteľovi.
Tieto montážne pokyny sú návodom na štandardné opravy a nezohľadňujú žiadne zvláštnosti, ktoré sa môžu týkať rôznych brzdových systémov. Je potrebné podrobne dodržiavať špeciálne pokyny vydané výrobcami vozidiel a brzdových systémov. 
Tento dokument obsahuje pokyny na výmenu strmeňov:
1. Brzdové strmene s jedným kotúčom
2. Pevné strmene s dvoma kotúčmi
3. Plávajúce brzdové strmene s radiálne uloženými doštičkami, typ 2x60/68.
Všetky informácie uvedené v tomto návode sa vzťahujú na všetky tri typy strmeňov, pokiaľ nie je uvedené inak.
Postup výmeny
Pred začatím výmeny sa uistite, že náhradné diely sú vhodné pre výmenu pre danú značku a model vozidla.
  • Odstráňte koleso.
  • Poznamenajte si polohu všetkých čiastočne alebo úplne demontovaných komponentov pre správnu spätnú montáž.
1. V prípade prítomnosti kábla indikátora opotrebenia (bod 1) ho odpojte od svorky vo vozidle a uvoľnite ho zo všetkých upevnení na podvozku a na strmeni.
2. Pri modeloch vybavených bezpečnostnými závlačkami (bod 2) ich vytiahnite kliešťami.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. V prípade dvojkotúčových strmeňov vytiahnite pružiny (bod 3) kliešťami.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Vytiahnite kolík (-y) (bod 4) pomocou kladiva a nástroja na vytláčanie kolíka. Úplne ho vytiahnite rukou, pričom dbajte na to, aby pružiny (bod 5) zostali na svojom mieste.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Odstráňte pružinu (-y) (bod 5). Skontrolujte hladinu kvapaliny. Otvorte uzáver nádržky brzdovej kvapaliny.
UPOZORNENIE! Nižšie opísané kroky na stiahnutie piestu spôsobia zvýšenie hladiny brzdovej kvapaliny v nádržke. Uistite sa, že hladina brzdovej kvapaliny neunikne, pretože by došlo k poškodeniu lakovaných častí vozidla.
1. Piesty mierne odtiahnite pomocou sťahováka alebo iného vhodného nástroja a zatlačte na doštičky (bod 6).
Odtiahnutie piestu musí následne umožniť uvoľnenie strmeňa z kotúča.
2. Ak to konštrukcia strmeňa umožňuje, vyberte doštičky. V opačnom prípade ich odstráňte po demontáži strmeňa. Ak máte v úmysle opätovne použiť doštičky, označte na nich fixkou smer otáčania kotúča.
Smontaggio ruota
Smontaggio ruota
1. Vyberte doštičky a zároveň posuňte teleso strmeňa dozadu a dopredu na vodiacich puzdrách (bod 7). Posunutím telesa strmeňa sa doštičky mierne odtiahnu od kotúča, čím sa uľahčí ich vybratie.
Smontaggio ruota
Ak preliačina vytvorená opotrebovaním kotúča bráni vybratiu doštičiek, demontujte teleso strmeňa:
1. Demontujte skrutky (bod 8) pomocou kľúča
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Pomocou skrutkovača vypáčte vodiace puzdrá z vyhradených sediel.
3. Vyberte vodiace puzdrá (bod 7) natoľko, aby ste ich mohli oddeliť od držiaka strmeňa (bod 9).
4. Úplne oddeľte teleso strmeňa (bod 10) od držiaka strmeňa (bod 9) a zaveste ho do podvozku vozidla pomocou háku v tvare písmena S.
Smontaggio ruota
5. Vyberte doštičky.

6. Ak máte v úmysle opätovne použiť doštičky, označte na nich fixkou smer otáčania kotúča.
7. V prípade zadných brzdových strmeňov (s parkovacím mechanizmom) odpojte lanko ovládania parkovania (bod 11).
NEBEZPEČENSTVO! Vedenie brzdovej kvapaliny musí zostať voľné a nesmie byť natiahnuté. Ak by ste ich natiahli, mohli by sa pretrhnúť a brzdová kvapalina by mohla vytiecť.
Na všetky druhy strmeňov
Smontaggio ruota
1. Zatvorte uzáver nádržky brzdovej kvapaliny.
2. Umiestnite rozperu (bod 12) do priestoru pre cestujúcich medzi sedadlo a brzdový pedál, aby pedál zostal počas tejto práce stlačený.

VAROVANIE! Vďaka tomu je brzdový hydraulický okruh uzavretý, čím sa zabráni úniku brzdovej kvapaliny.
UPOZORNENIE! Počas všetkých ďalej opísaných fáz dbajte na to, aby sa brzdová kvapalina nedostala do kontaktu s časťami vozidla, ktoré by sa mohli poškodiť, najmä s lakovanými časťami. Prípadné náhodné postriekanie alebo únik kvapaliny okamžite utrite kuchynskou utierkou a očistite vodou.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
3. Uvoľnite prívodné potrubie (bod 13) na strmeni natoľko, aby ste ho mohli úplne odskrutkovať rukou, ale zabráňte úniku brzdovej kvapaliny.
4. Vidlicovým kľúčom odskrutkujte upevňovacie skrutky (bod 14) a vyberte strmeň z nápravy.
Smontaggio ruota
5. UPOZORNENIE! V prípade dvojkotúčových strmeňov demontujte iba upevňovacie skrutky nápravy. Nedemontujte skrutky (bod 15), ktoré spájajú polovičné strmene.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
6. Úplne odpojte prívodné vedenie (bod 13) od strmeňa.
7. Okamžite zotrite prípadný únik brzdovej kvapaliny.
8. Držte prívodné vedenie v zdvihnutej polohe, aby ste zabránili náhodnému úniku kvapaliny.
9. Vytiahnite strmeň, ktorý sa má vymeniť.
Postup montáže
Smontaggio ruota
1. Vložte doštičky (bod 16) do nového strmeňa.

VAROVANIE! Všetky šípky vyrazené na doštičkách musia ukazovať v smere otáčania kotúča.
NEBEZPEČENSTVO! Doštičky musia byť vložené tak, aby bol trecí materiál otočený ku kotúču.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. VAROVANIE!! Ak to konštrukcia strmeňa umožňuje, doštičky možno vložiť aj po nasadení strmeňa, a to hneď po „utiahnutí upevňovacích skrutiek“.
NEBEZPEČENSTVO! Skontrolujte, či trecie plochy nie sú znečistené mazivom, pretože inak budete musieť odstrániť všetky stopy maziva brúsnym papierom.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Pružiny (bod 5) a čapy (bod 4) vložte naspäť do vyhradených miest v strmeni a doštičkách. Kolíky sa musia zatĺcť až na doraz pomocou kladiva a nástroja na vytláčanie kolíka.
Pri montáži pružín dodržujte smer orientácie.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Skontrolujte, či sú pružiny v správnej polohe.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Pri modeloch vybavených bezpečnostnými závlačkami (bod 2) ich vložte naspäť kliešťami.
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Skontrolujte, či sú závlačky v správnej polohe.
7. Očistite brzdovú plochu (bod 17) na kotúči (bod 18) pomocou odmasťovacieho prípravku (napr. rozpúšťadlo SE 47).
8. Nasaďte nový strmeň na nápravu a vložte kotúč (bod 18) medzi doštičky.
9. Upevňovacie skrutky (bod 14) utiahnite vidlicovým kľúčom s uťahovacím momentom odporúčaným výrobcom vozidla.
Prípadne použite nasledujúce odporúčané uťahovacie momenty:
Typ skrutky M12x1,25 M12x1,5 M14x1,5
Uťahovací moment 115 Nm 125 Nm 180 Nm
10. V prípade prítomnosti kábla indikátora opotrebenia ho pripojte naspäť k svorke vo vozidle a k všetkým upevneniam na podvozku a na strmeni.
Smontaggio ruota
Smontaggio ruota
11. Pripojte naspäť prívodné vedenie brzdovej kvapaliny (bod 13).
12. Vyberte rozperu, ktorú ste predtým vložili do priestoru pre cestujúcich, čím uvoľníte pedál z brzdy a opätovne otvoríte okruh.
Smontaggio pinza freno
13. V prípade zadných brzdových strmeňov typu C (s parkovacím mechanizmom) pripojte naspäť lanko ovládania parkovania (bod 11).
14. Demontujte poistný kolík páčky (bod 19).
15. Zatiahnite parkovaciu brzdu vo vnútri vozidla. Postup opakujte niekoľkokrát, kým sa zdvih páčky brzdového mechanizmu nevráti na minimálne hodnoty.
16. Otvorte uzáver nádržky brzdovej kvapaliny.
Smontaggio ruota
17. Demontujte ochranný uzáver (bod 20) a na odvzdušňovaciu zátku (bod 21) na strmeni pripojte priehľadnú hadičku, ktorej koniec vložte do nádoby na zachytávanie prípadnej kvapaliny. 
Rimozione pastiglia freno
18. Otvorte odvzdušňovaciu zátku (bod 21).
19. Opakovane stláčajte brzdový pedál vozidla, kým z odvzdušňovacej zátky nezačne vytekať brzdová kvapalina.
20. Podržaním pedálu zatvorte odvzdušňovaciu zátku. Uvoľnite pedál, počkajte niekoľko sekúnd, potom postup opakujte, kým nebude vytekať kvapalina bez vzduchových bublín a kým sa neobnoví obvyklý odpor a zdvih brzdového pedála.
21. Odvzdušňovaciu zátku utiahnite uťahovacím momentom uvedeným v tabuľke:
Odvzdušňovacia zátka M6x1 M6x1 M6x1 M6x1
Uťahovací moment 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
22. Demontujte priehľadnú hadičku a nasaďte ochranný uzáver na odvzdušňovaciu zátku.
23. Zopakujte postup odvzdušňovania na všetkých ostatných odvzdušňovacích zátkach.

24. Po odvzdušnení úplne stiahnite piesty v strmeni pomocou vhodného nástroja (napr. sťahováka) a potom doplňte hladinu kvapaliny podľa odporúčania výrobcu.

25. Zatvorte uzáver nádržky brzdovej kvapaliny.

26. Pri naštartovanom motore silno stlačte brzdový pedál vozidla a skontrolujte, či nedochádza k úniku kvapaliny zo strmeňa alebo k abnormálnym poklesom tlaku v okruhu a či sa rozsvietia zadné brzdové svetlá.

NEBEZPEČENSTVO! Ak kvapalina uniká zo strmeňa, zopakujte všetky kroky uvedené v tomto dokumente, aby ste určili príčinu a odstránili problém.​​
Smontaggio ruota
27. V prípade strmeňov so zabudovanou parkovacou brzdou pripojte koncovku kábla parkovacej brzdy k jej sedlu na strmeni. Opakovane zatiahnite a uvoľnite parkovaciu brzdu v kabíne.
28. Namontujte naspäť koleso.
29. Ak sú brzdové doštičky nové, zabehnite ich; postupujte podľa pokynov dodaných s náhradnými doštičkami.
Here the instructions for the replacement of brake calipers:
Floating calipers with central spring 
Smontaggio ruota
Floating calipers with 2 or 4 side springs and residual torque reducing springs.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
All the information on this instruction sheet applies to both types of calipers, unless otherwise specified.
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
  • Remove the wheel
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 1), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim (point 2) that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Remove the protective caps (point 3) from the guiding bushes.
3. If the cap has a lip (point 4), snap off the cap by pulling on the lip (point 4) with your fingers.
4. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 5), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.
WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
CAUTION! The guiding bush to disassemble must be the one that allows the caliper body to turn without causing the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
WARNING! There are two types of guiding bushes:
 - with separate screw
 - with incorporated screw

Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Loosen and completely remove the screw (point 6) or incorporated guiding bush (point 7) using a spann 
WARNING! If there are any brake pads glued to the caliper, detach them using a screwdriver.

DANGER! Opening the caliper body may cause the residual torque reducing springs to spring open. 
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 8), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 9) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
7. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, both the guiding bushes (point 8) must be removed to separate the caliper body (point 10) completely from the caliper bracket (point 9).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. Pull the caliper body (point  10) away from the caliper bracket (point 9) by twisting it around the other guiding bush until the pads come out of the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Remove the pads (point 11) and springs (point 12) without causing any damage so you can reassemble them onto the new caliper.
Smontaggio ruota
10. Use a marker to mark the direction of rotation of the disc on the pads to avoid reassembling them incorrectly.
11. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 13).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Place a spacer (point 14) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.

WARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Smontaggio pinza freno
13. Loosen the supply line (point 15) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
14. Unscrew the fixing bolts (point 16) using an open-ended spanner and remove the caliper bracket (point 9) from the hub bracket.
15. Detach the supply line (point 15) completely from the caliper body.
16. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.
17. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any fluid leaks.
18. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, disconnect the parking brake cable from its seat on the caliper.
19. Pull away the caliper to be replaced.
20. Clean the braking surfaces (point 17) on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Caliper fitting procedure
CAUTION! Do not disassemble the protective cap from the fluid inlet hole on the new caliper until you connect the supply line to it.
Lubricate the bushes and dust covers using the grease provided before fitting the new caliper.

WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.

1. Remove the protective caps from the bushes, where present.
2. Loosen the screws or guiding bushes with incorporated screw.
3. In the case of separate screws, take the screws out completely.
4. Pull the caliper body away from the caliper support.
WARNING! To avoid damaging the dust covers, pull out the bushes from the side of the cover.

5. Remove the covers.
6. Thoroughly clean all the components to be fitted, the bush seats and the cover seats using appropriate products (e.g. a damp cloth).
7. Clean the mounting faces on the hub bracket.
Smontaggio ruota
8. Position the new caliper bracket (point 18) by inserting it in the disc.
9. Insert and approach the two fixing bolts (points 19 and 20).
10. Tighten the fixing bolt on the disc entry side (point 19) (in forward gear) applying the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
11. Tighten the second fixing bolt 20 (on the disc exit side) applying the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
Use the following recommended tightening torques for reference:
Type of screw Tightening torque
M12x1,25 115 Nm
M12x1,5 125 Nm
M14x1,5 180 Nm
M16x1,5 210 Nm
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Grease the entire inner surface of the covers (point 21) and the contact profile (point 22) with the caliper body evenly.
13. Insert the covers (point 21) in the seats (point 23) on the caliper body.

CAUTION! Using your finger, check the cover has been inserted and seated in the caliper body correctly.
14. Grease the external surface of the bushes (point 24) and their seats (point 25) in the caliper body, insert the bushes in the caliper body from the side opposite the cover.

15. Push the bushes (point 24) until the covers (point 21) fit in their seat (point 26).
Smontaggio ruota
16. Remove any excess grease.
17. Fit the caliper body onto the caliper bracket threading through and screwing on the screw or the incorporated bush on the disc exit side (in forward gear).
18. Pull the caliper body (point  27) away from the caliper bracket (point 18) by twisting it around the guiding bush until the pads go into the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.

CAUTION! Do not use the guiding bush seat as a point of attachment.
Fitting the pads
Smontaggio ruota
1. Where envisaged, fit the side springs (point 12) in the caliper bracket, exerting the right amount of pressure to attach them securely.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. In the case of calipers with four springs, always fit the springs with the vanes facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.
WARNING! IF there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Reinsert the pads (point 11) in the caliper bracket (point 18); for type B calipers, use a screwdriver to prise open the side springs  (point 12).

WARNING! Any arrows stamped on the pads must be pointing in the disc rotation direction.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
4. Thread the wear indicator cable (point 1) through the dedicated duct as follows:
For type A calipers - in the spring (point 28). 
Smontaggio ruota
For type B calipers - in the caliper body (point 27).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
If there are any pads with an adhesive side, remove the protective film.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Close the caliper carefully, by twisting the caliper body (point 27) around the screwed-on guiding bush. If there are any pads with an adhesive side, take care not to create contacts between the caliper body and the pad before you have completed the caliper body fitting.

CAUTION! Close the caliper carefully, making sure the protective covers on the bushes are not damaged by knocking against the caliper bracket.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. Move the caliper body (point 27) towards the caliper bracket (point 18).
6. Reinsert the guiding bush (point 29) in the caliper bracket seat. 
Smontaggio ruota
7. Insert and screw in a new screw (point 30), where present.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, the caliper body (point 27) must be repositioned on the caliper bracket (point 18), then reinsert both guiding bushes (point 29) and insert and tighten two new screws (point 30), where present.
Smontaggio ruota
9. If it is not screwed in yet, tighten the guiding bush fastening screw or the incorporated guiding bush on the disc entry side (in forward gear). Next, tighten the other screw or the other incorporated guiding bush at the same torque.
10. Tighten at the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Type    Tightening torque
Fastening screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M10 – CH8) 65 ÷ 75 Nm
DANGER! Observe the tightening sequence described; failing to could compromise the proper functioning of the caliper.
11. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 31) hook the spring under the plate (point 32) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER! Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Carefully clean the parts (point 33) to make sure they stay in place and fit new protective caps (point 34), greasing their internal surface and the caliper body seat with grease provided in the spare part kit.
13. Turn the protective cap (point 34) so that it adheres fully to the seat (point 35).
14. Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
15. Remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole (point 36).
16. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line.
17. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the hydraulic circuit to reopen.
18. Open the brake fluid reservoir cap.
Smontaggio ruota
19. Remove the protective cap (point 37) and connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 38) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
20. Open the bleeder plug (point 38).
21. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.
22. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.
23. Tighten the bleeder plug applying the tightening torque specified in the table:
Bleeder plug M6x1 M8x1,25 M10x1 M12x1
Tightening torque 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
24. Remove the transparent tube and reposition the protective cap on the bleeder plug.
25. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.

26. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.

27. Close the brake fluid reservoir cap.

28. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.
DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
29. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, connect the parking brake cable terminal to its seat on the caliper.
Smontaggio ruota

30. Pull and release the cabin parking brake repeatedly.
31. Refit the wheel.
32. If the pads are new, run them in; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads. 
Here the instructions for the replacement of components for commercial vehicle floating calipers (type ECS53 and ECS60) with incorporated electric parking mechanism:
1. Actuator unit
2. Pads
3. Caliper body (without pads and caliper bracket) 
4. Caliper bracket
WARNING! Read this document before replacing the spare parts contained in the pack. Only perform those steps required for replacing the spare part or parts contained in the pack.
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
WARNING! In the event of an electrical failure, disassemble the actuator unit and pull the piston back, turning the torx screw clockwise with a suitable spanner.
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Connect the diagnostics tool (On Board Diagnosis - OBD) to the vehicle and put it in maintenance mode procedure as described by the vehicle manufacturer.

CAUTION! Make sure the spare part is compatible with the vehicle software.
2. Remove the wheel.
Smontaggio ruota
3. Release the actuator unit electricity supply cable from the cable gland.
4. For caliper type ECS60 loosen and remove the cable gland (point 5).
5. Disconnect the electricity supply cable (point 6) from the actuator unit.
WARNING! The connector may be fitted with a safety latch.
Disassembling the actuator unit 
WARNING! Proceed with disassembling the actuator unit only if a separate spare part is available.
1. Loosen the fastening screws (point 7) from the actuator unit (point 1).
2. Remove the actuator unit (point 1).
3. Remove the seal (point 8).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
Disassembling the pads
CAUTION! Do not damage any components you intend to re-use.
DANGER! Do not cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
Smontaggio ruota
1. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 9), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
2. Remove the protective cap (point 10) from the secondary bush (forward drive revolution disc exit side).
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 11), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.

WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
Smontaggio ruota
4. Loosen and remove the secondary screw (point 12).
5. For caliper type ECS60 use a screwdriver to prise the bush out of the groove to release it from the caliper bracket.
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Remove the protective cap (point 14) from the primary bush (forward drive revolution disc entry side).
7. Loosen the primary screw (point 15) completely and remove it.

WARNING! Use a screwdriver to prise the guiding bushes out from the grooves.
8. Take out the primary guiding bush (point 16) enough to release it from the caliper bracket.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Pull the caliper body (point 3) away from the caliper bracket (point 4) taking care not to cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
10. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports.

CAUTION! Do not use the bush seat as a point of attachment.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
11. Remove the pads (point 17) and springs (point 18) without causing any damage so you can reassemble them onto the new caliper.
Smontaggio pinza freno
12. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 19).

WARNING! For the correct refitting of the same pads, mark some arrows (where not present) on the pads with a marker to indicate the direction of rotation of the disc.
Disassembling the caliper body
Smontaggio ruota
1. Place a spacer (point 20) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.

AWARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Loosen the supply line (point 21) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
3. Detach the supply line (point 21) completely from the caliper body.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.

5. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any fluid leaks.
6. Pull away the caliper body (point 3).
Disassembling the caliper bracket
Smontaggio ruota
CAUTION! During disassembly, keep the caliper bracket in position to avoid it accidentally dropping.
1. Loosen the fastening screws (point 22).
2. Remove the caliper bracket (point 4) from the hub bracket.
Fitting procedure
Smontaggio ruota 
Reassemble the new spare components.
1. Thoroughly clean all the components to be fitted (whether new or removed previously), the bush seats and the spring seats using appropriate products (e.g. a damp cloth).

DANGER! Make sure the components are intact, replace them with new ones if damaged.
2. Clean the mounting faces (point 23) on the hub bracket.
3. Clean the braking surfaces (point 24) on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Fitting the caliper bracket
Smontaggio ruota 
1. Position the new caliper bracket (point 25) on the hub bracket.

2. Insert and tighten the fastening screws (point 26) at the tightening torque recommended by the vehicle manufacturer.
Fitting the pads and caliper body 
Smontaggio ruota
1. Reinsert the springs (point 27), placing them the right way round in their seats.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. For caliper type ECS52 with four springs, always fit the springs with the vanes (point 28) facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

WARNING! IF there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Reinsert the pads (point 29) in the caliper bracket (point 25); use a screwdriver to prise open the side springs (point 27).
Smontaggio ruota
4. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 30) hook the spring under the plate (point 31) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER! Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
CAUTION! Observe the correct fitting direction.

CAUTION! If the caliper body is new, do not disassemble the protective cap from the fluid inlet hole on the new caliper until you connect the supply line to it.
6. Position the caliper body (point 32) by inserting it in the disc, so that the guiding bushes coincide with the holes on the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Do not damage the covers.
7. Push the guiding bushes (point 33) into their seats on the caliper bracket.
8. Insert and tighten the screws (point 34) using a tightening torque of 32 ÷ 36 Nm.
9. Position the caps (point 35).

CAUTION! Before removing the protective cap, leave the supply point as high as possible, making sure none of the brake fluid inside the caliper leaks out.
10. Reconnect the wear indicator cable, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim on the caliper, where present, and securing any attachments on the chassis.
Smontaggio pinza freno

Connecting the brake fluid supply line
Rimozione pastiglia freno
1. Remove the protective cap (point 36) from the brake fluid inlet hole.
2. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line (point 21).
3. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the circuit to reopen.
Smontaggio ruota
4. Remove the protective cap (point 37) from the bleeder plug (point 38).
5. Connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 38) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Open the bleeder plug (point 38).
7. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.

8. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.
9. Tighten the bleeder plug (point 38) applying the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Bleeder type M10x1
Tightening torque 12÷16 Nm
10. Remove the transparent tube.
11. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.
12. Reposition the protective cap (point 37).
13. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.

14. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.

DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
Smontaggio ruota
Fitting the actuator unit
WARNING! The actuator unit may be supplied already fitted to the caliper body.

Reassemble the new spare components.
  •  Clean any components you removed previously before reassembling them.
CAUTION! Always use new screws with thread locker. Always fit a new seal.
DANGER! Make sure the components are intact, replace them with new ones if damaged
Smontaggio ruota
1. Clean the contact surface on the caliper and on the actuator unit.
2. Remove any thread locker residue from threaded screw seats.
3. Clean and lubricate the seal (point 39) with the grease supplied.
4. Lubricate the internal diameter of the actuator unit coupling with the grease supplied.

WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.
Smontaggio ruota
5. Position the seal (point 39) in its seat (point 40) on the caliper body.
6. Fit the actuator unit (point 41) on the torx screw (point 42) on the caliper body.
7. Turn the actuator unit (point 41) so that the holes (point 43) of the fastening screws (point 44) coincide with their original fitting position.

CAUTION! Avoid pinching the seal (point 39) when fitting the actuator unit on the caliper body.
8. Insert and tighten the fastening screws (point 44) at a tightening torque of 7 ÷ 10 Nm.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
9. Remove the protective cap (point 45), where present, and connect the electrical supply cable (point 6).
10. Where removed previously, screw on the cable gland (point 5).
11. Secure the actuator unit electricity supply cable (point 6) to the cable gland (point 5).
Final phases
1. Refit the wheel.
2. Perform the reset procedure (Assembly check).
3. If necessary, reset the counters (Reset Internal Counters) as prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.
4. If required by the vehicle manufacturer, run in the pads.
5. Disconnect the diagnostics device. (On Board Diagnosis – OBD).
Here the instructions for the replacement of the caliper body for floating calipers with 2 or 4 side springs and residual torque reducing springs.
When replacing only the fastening screws, only refer to the relevant parts.
Smontaggio ruota
Replacement procedure
Before commencing replacement, ascertain that the spare parts used for replacement are suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.  
  • Make a note of the position of all the partially or fully disassembled components for correct reassembly.
  • Remove the wheel.
For ECS calipers
WARNING! In the event of an electrical failure, disassemble the actuator unit (point 5) and pull the piston back, turning the torx screw clockwise with a suitable spanner 
Smontaggio ruota
1. Connect the diagnostics tool (On Board Diagnosis - OBD) to the vehicle and put it in maintenance mode procedure as described by the vehicle manufacturer.

CAUTION! Without this operation, the piston cannot be pulled back with the retractor or another suitable tool.
CAUTION! Make sure the spare part is compatible with the vehicle software.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Disconnect the electricity supply cable (point 2) from the actuator unit.

WARNING! The connector may be fitted with a safety latch.
For all types of calipers
Smontaggio ruota
1. For calipers with a parking brake, detach the control cable (point 3) from the caliper.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Disconnect the wear indicator (point 4), where present, from the terminal in the vehicle, releasing it from the shim (point 5) that secures it to the caliper and from any attachments on the chassis.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Remove the protective caps (point 6) from the guiding bushes.
Smontaggio ruota
4. If the cap has a lip (point 7), snap off the cap by pulling on the lip (point 7) with your fingers.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
5. If the cap is made of hard plastic (point 8), prise if off with a screwdriver. Removing the cap will break it.
WARNING! Do not reuse the disassembled hard plastic cap
CAUTION! The guiding bush to disassemble must be the one that allows the caliper body to turn without causing the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
WARNING!  There are two types of guiding busheswith separate screw, with incorporated screw.​​​​​
Smontaggio pinza freno
6. Loosen and completely remove the screw (point 9) or incorporated guiding bush (point 10) using a spanner.
Smontaggio ruota
7. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 12) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
8. When replacing the caliper on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, both the guiding bushes 11 must be removed to separate the caliper body (point 13) completely from the caliper bracket (point 12).

WARNING! If there are any brake pads glued to the caliper, detach them using a screwdriver and take care not to damage any rubber parts of the caliper.
DANGER! Opening the caliper body may cause the residual torque reducing springs to spring open.
Smontaggio pinza freno
9. Pull the caliper body (point 13) away from the caliper bracket (point 12) by twisting it around the other guiding bush until the pads (point 14) come out of the caliper bracket. Attach the caliper body to the vehicle chassis using appropriate supports. Do not use the bush seat as a point of attachment.
Smontaggio ruota
11. Remove the pads (point 14) without causing any damage.
12. Use a marker to mark the direction of rotation of the disc on the pads to avoid reassembling them incorrectly.
Smontaggio ruota
14. If they are still in position, remove the residual torque reducing springs (point 15).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
15. Place a spacer (point 16) inside the passenger compartment between the seat and the brake pedal to make sure the pedal remains pressed for the duration of these operations.
WARNING! This allows the brake hydraulic circuit to be closed, avoiding any brake fluid from leaking.
CAUTION! During all the phases described below, make sure the brake fluid does not come into contact with parts of the vehicle which would be damaged, especially painted parts. Promptly wipe off any accidental brake fluid splashes or leaks with kitchen towel and clean with water.
Smontaggio ruota
16. Loosen the supply line (point 17) on the caliper enough to be able to screw it off completely by hand, as this will avoid any brake fluid leaking out.
17. Loosen completely and remove the screw (point 9) or incorporated guiding bush (point 10).
18. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), pull the guiding bush out of the caliper bracket (point 12) prising it out of its seat with a screwdriver.
19. Pull the caliper body (point 13) away from the caliper bracket (point 12) taking care not to cause the brake fluid supply line to stretch.
20. Detach the supply line (point 17) completely from the caliper body.
Smontaggio ruota
21. Promptly wipe off any brake fluid leaks.

22. Keep the supply line raised to prevent any brake fluid leaks.
23. Pull away the caliper to be replaced.

24. In the case of calipers with an incorporated parking brake, disconnect the parking brake cable from its seat on the caliper.
25. Clean the braking surfaces on the disc using a degreasing product (e.g. Solvent SE47).
Fitting the pads
CAUTION! If there are any pads with an adhesive side, then new pads must be fitted; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
Smontaggio ruota
1.Check the springs are correctly positioned. In the case of calipers with four springs, make sure the vanes are always facing the outside of the caliper bracket.

CAUTION! Incorrect spring positioning could possibly cause injury.​​​​
Rimozione pastiglia freno
2. Insert the pads (point 14) in the caliper bracket (point 12). Use a screwdriver to press the side springs.

WARNING! Any arrows stamped on the pads must be pointing in the disc rotation direction.
DANGER! Pads must be inserted with the friction material facing the disc.
CAUTION! The pad with a wear indicator must be fitted back into the position it was originally in before being disassembled.
Smontaggio pinza freno
3. Where present, attach the wear indicator terminal (point 20)  to the pad opposite the pistons, replacing it if necessary.

CAUTION! When attaching the wear indicator terminal, make sure the most protruding part is facing the friction surface on the pad.
Fitting the caliper body
CAUTION! For calipers with a parking brake - while the caliper body is disassembled from the brake disc and/or the brake pads are absent, do not move the piston either hydraulically or using the lever as this could damage the spring and/or cause the brake fluid to leak.
Smontaggio ruota
1. On the caliper bracket, wipe the fitting areas (point 21) with the caliper body (guide seats) with a damp cloth.

CAUTION! Do not use products which could damage the protective covers, such as nitro-tetrachloroethylene thinner, petrol, etc.
2. Clean and uniformly grease the entire internal surface of the covers, the external surface of the guiding bushes and their seats in the caliper body.​​​​​
Smontaggio ruota
3. Position the new caliper body (point 22), setting one of the two guiding bushes (point 10) in the seat on the caliper bracket (point 12).

CAUTION! Don’t remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole until the tube is connected definitively.
4. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), fit and tighten a new screw (point 23).
5. Close the caliper carefully, by twisting the caliper body (point 22) around the seated guiding bush.
Smontaggio ruota
CAUTION! Close the caliper carefully, making sure the protective covers on the bushes are not damaged by knocking against the caliper support. Replace the covers if necessary.

WARNING! If there are any pads with an adhesive side, take care not to create contacts between the body and the pad before you have completed the caliper body fitting.
6. Thread the wear indicator probe (point 20) through the dedicated hole in the caliper body (point 22).
Rimozione pastiglia freno
7. Reinsert the other guiding bush (point 10) in the caliper bracket seat (point 12).
8. In the case of a non-incorporated guiding bush (point 11), fit and tighten a new screw (point 24).

CAUTION! When replacing the caliper bracket on rear wheels with suspension and leaf springs, the caliper body must be repositioned on the caliper bracket, then reinsert both guiding bushes and insert and tighten two new screws.
Smontaggio ruota
9. Tighten the guiding bush fastening screw or the incorporated guiding bush (point 24) on the disc entry side (in forward gear). Next, tighten the other screw or the incorporated guiding bush (point 25) at the same torque.
10. Tighten at the tightening torque specified in the following table:
Type   Tightening torque
Fastening screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M8 – CH6) 32 ÷ 36 Nm
Guiding bush with incorporated screw (M10 – CH8) 65 ÷ 75 Nm
DANGER! Observe the tightening sequence described; failing to could compromise the proper functioning of the caliper.
Smontaggio ruota
11. In the case of residual torque reducing springs (point 26) hook the spring under the plate (point 27) of the pad and hook the underside of the plate on the other pad with the aid of a hollow tip screwdriver.

DANGER!  Incorrect attachment of the spring could cause it to spring open.
CAUTION!  Observe the correct fitting direction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
12. Carefully clean the part (point 28) to make sure it stays in place and fit new protective caps (point 29), greasing their internal surface and the caliper body seat with grease provided in the spare part kit.
WARNING! EUH210 - Safety data sheet available upon request.
WARNING! EUH208 - Contains N-alkylated benzotriazole. May cause an allergic reaction.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
13. Turn the protective caps (point 29) so that they adhere fully to the seat (point 30).
14. Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
15. Remove the protective cap from the brake fluid inlet hole.
16. Reconnect the brake fluid supply line.
17. Remove the spacer you previously placed inside the passenger compartment, thereby releasing the pedal from the brake and allowing the circuit to reopen.
For calipers with a parking brake 
CAUTION! Before assembling the piston with the pads, make sure the caliper bracket, pads and disc are present.
  • Use the lever to assemble the piston with the pads.
    CAUTION! Hydraulic operation is only permitted when the piston is less than 1 mm from the pads.
For all types of calipers
1. Connect a transparent tube to the bleeder plug (point 31) on the caliper, the ends of which should be placed in a container to collect any fluid.
2. Open the bleeder plug (point 31).
3. Repeatedly press the vehicle brake pedal until brake fluid starts to flow out of the bleeder plug.
4. Holding down the pedal, close the bleeder plug. Release the pedal, wait a few seconds, then repeat the process until fluid without any air bubbles flows out and until the usual resistance and travel of the brake pedal are restored.

5. Tighten the bleeder plug (point 31) applying the tightening torque specified in the table:
Bleeder plug M6x1 M8x1,25 M10x1 M12x1
Tightening torque 5÷7 Nm 7÷10 Nm 17÷20 Nm 18÷22 Nm
Rimozione pastiglia freno
6. Remove the transparent tube.
7. Repeat the bleeding procedure for any other bleeder plugs.
8. After the bleeding process, pull back the pistons in the caliper completely using an appropriate tool (such as a retractor) and then top up the fluid level, as recommended by the manufacturer.
9. Close the brake fluid reservoir cap.
10. With the engine running, apply strong pressure to the vehicle brake pedal and check there are no fluid leaks from the caliper or abnormal pressure losses in the circuit and that the rear brake lights come on.
DANGER! If fluid is leaking from the caliper, repeat all the steps set out in this document to pinpoint the cause and remedy the problem.
For calipers with a parking brake 
  • Reconnect the wear indicator, where present, to the terminal in the vehicle, securing it with a light pressure to the shim present on the caliper and securing any attachments on the chassis.
  • Restore the correct tension to the control cable.
  • Repeatedly operate the parking brake lever in the vehicle cab until the usual stroke has been re-established.
For ECS calipers
Smontaggio ruota
1. Remove the protective cap (where present) and connect the electrical supply cable (point 2).

2. Perform the reset procedure (Assembly check).
3. If necessary, reset the counters (Reset Internal Counters) as prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer.
Rimozione pastiglia freno
4. If required by the vehicle manufacturer, run in the pads.
5. Disconnect the diagnostics device (On Board Diagnosis - OBD).
For all types of calipers
1. Refit the wheel.
2. If the pads are new, run them in; follow the instructions provided with the spare pads.
Obmedzenia záruky
Táto záruka sa vzťahuje na všetky chyby zhody, ktoré sa vyskytnú počas dvoch rokov od dodania tovaru. Spotrebiteľ je povinný oznámiť predávajúcemu vadu zhody do dvoch mesiacov odo dňa zistenia uvedenej vady bez toho, aby bola dotknutá skutočnosť, že premlčacia lehota na uplatnenie nároku na nápravu vady je dvadsaťšesť mesiacov od dodania tovaru. V prípade vady zhody má používateľ právo na opravu alebo výmenu tovaru, prípadne na primerané zníženie ceny alebo odstúpenie od zmluvy, ako to ustanovuje čl. 130 Zákonníka o ochrane spotrebiteľa, ak sa uplatňuje.
Táto záruka predstavuje jedinú záruku poskytovanú v súvislosti s týmto výrobkom a nahrádza všetky ostatné záruky, ústne aj písomné.

V prípade výskytu závad je používateľ povinný:
  • pod hrozbou zrušenia platnosti je používateľ povinný predložiť opis závady zistenej na výrobku alebo na vrátených súčiastkach a doklad o kúpe pôvodného používateľa, ktorý identifikuje výrobok a dátum nákupu (či už zakúpený v maloobchode alebo predaný distribútorom v rámci inštalácie výrobku);
  • zaslať Výrobok, o ktorom sa predpokladá, že je chybný, spoločnosti Brembo S.p.A. do sídla na adrese via Brembo 25 -24035 Curno (BG) – Taliansko, prostredníctvom distribučného reťazca. 
Záruka sa nevzťahuje na:
  • poškodenie Výrobku, čiastočne alebo úplne, spôsobené nesprávnym používaním, nehodou, požiarom, chemickou koróziou, používaním na iné účely, ako je plánované, nedovoleným používaním, používaním na inom modeli, ako je plánované, nesprávnou inštaláciou, inštaláciou v rozpore s pokynmi Výrobcu alebo nedostatočnou údržbou Výrobku podľa pokynov Výrobcu v dodanom návode;
  • sťažnosti súvisiace s komfortom, prítomnosťou hluku, vibráciami alebo drsnými jazdnými vlastnosťami.
Výrobok bol navrhnutý a vyrobený pre konkrétny model a použitie uvedené v katalógoch Brembo a/alebo distribútormi výrobkov Brembo, ktoré sú dostupné na webovej stránke Brembo (www.brembo.com). Výrobok sa musí používať v súlade so zákonmi platnými v štátoch a/alebo krajinách, v ktorých sa vozidlo, na ktorom je Výrobok nainštalovaný, používa, vrátane, ale bez obmedzenia na dodržiavanie predpisov cestného zákona a po získaní akéhokoľvek povolenia/schválenia, licencie požadovanej štátom a/alebo krajinou.
Pre výrobky predávané na území členských štátov Európskej únie platia tieto záručné obmedzenia v súlade s ustanoveniami smernice Rady 85/374/EHS z 25. júla 1985.
V prípade produktov predávaných na území Spojených štátov sa tieto záručné obmedzenia uplatňujú v súlade s platnými federálnymi alebo štátnymi zákonmi.
Všeobecné a bezpečnostné informácie
Tento výrobok Brembo bol navrhnutý tak, aby spĺňal všetky platné bezpečnostné normy. Výrobky nie sú určené na iné použitie, než na aké boli navrhnuté a vyrobené. Použitie na akýkoľvek iný účel alebo akákoľvek úprava či zásah do výrobku môže ovplyvniť výkonnosť výrobku a môže spôsobiť, že výrobok nebude bezpečný.
Takáto úprava alebo nesprávne používanie spôsobí zánik platnosti obmedzenej záruky a môže viesť k zodpovednosti osoby, ktorá takto používa Výrobok, za zranenie osôb alebo poškodenie majetku iných osôb.
V tomto návode sa pod výstrahou „NEBEZPEČENSTVO!“ rozumejú postupy, ktorých nedodržanie s vysokou pravdepodobnosťou spôsobí vážne zranenie alebo dokonca smrť. „POZOR“ znamená postupy, ktorých nedodržanie môže spôsobiť fyzické zranenie, zatiaľ čo „VAROVANIE!“ znamená postupy, ktorých nedodržanie môže spôsobiť poškodenie vozidla.

Pred začatím výmeny sa uistite, že náhradné diely sú vhodné pre danú značku a model vozidla. Tento výrobok je nevyhnutný pre bezpečnú prevádzku vozidla, na ktorom je nainštalovaný, a je určený na to, aby ho inštalovala len kvalifikovaná osoba, ktorá bola vyškolená a/alebo má skúsenosti s inštaláciou a používaním, na ktoré je výrobok určený.

Inštalatér musí byť vybavený vhodnými nástrojmi pre svoje remeslo a znalosťami a skúsenosťami, aby sa mohol zaoberať opravami vozidla. Nesprávna alebo nevhodná inštalácia, či už spôsobená nedôsledným a neúplným dodržiavaním tohto návodu alebo iným spôsobom, má za následok zánik platnosti obmedzenej záruky a môže viesť k zodpovednosti inštalatéra v prípade zranenia osôb alebo poškodenia majetku.
Spoločnosť Brembo nenesie zodpovednosť za žiadne škody alebo zranenia spôsobené osobe, ktorá prevádzkuje vozidlo, na ktorom bol nesprávne nainštalovaný náhradný výrobok.
Použitý výrobok nahradený týmto výrobkom sa nesmie inštalovať na žiadny iný výrobok. Mohlo by dôjsť k poškodeniu majetku a zraneniu osôb vrátane smrti. 
Vždy skontrolujte, či je hladina brzdovej kvapaliny v nádržke medzi minimálnou a maximálnou hladinou uvedenou na nádržke. Nesprávna hladina môže spôsobiť únik brzdovej kvapaliny alebo zníženú účinnosť brzdového systému. Príliš veľa alebo príliš málo brzdovej kvapaliny v nádržke môže spôsobiť, že brzdy nebudú správne fungovať a môže dôjsť k zraneniu osôb vrátane smrti. 
Vymenené diely sa musia zlikvidovať v súlade so zákonom.
Je nevyhnutné vyhnúť sa prudkým nárazom a/alebo poškodeniu výrobku, jeho častí a komponentov, pretože to môže znížiť ich účinnosť a môže spôsobiť ich poruchu. V prípade potreby vymeňte akúkoľvek poškodenú časť alebo komponent. Aby ste predišli zraneniam, odporúčame nasledovné:
  • Používajte vhodné vybavenie, aby ste zabránili vdýchnutiu prachu vznikajúceho pri čistení dielov.
  • Počas demontáže a montáže súčiastok s ostrými hranami vždy používajte rukavice.
  • Nedovoľte, aby sa povrch pokožky dostal do priameho kontaktu s trecím materiálom brzdových doštičiek a čeľustí, pretože by to mohlo spôsobiť odreniny.
  • Pri demontáži piestov strmeňa pomocou stlačeného vzduchu nevkladajte ruky do miesta uloženia doštičiek, pretože hrozí riziko rozdrvenia rúk.
  • Vyhnite sa priamemu kontaktu s brzdovou kvapalinou, pretože môže spôsobiť podráždenie pokožky a očí. V prípade náhodného kontaktu vykonajte dôkladné vyčistenie podľa pokynov výrobcu vozidla alebo brzdovej kvapaliny.
  • Elektrické komponenty nevystavujte elektrostatickým nábojom ani nárazom, ktoré by mohli poškodiť plastové časti.
  • Rozložené elektrické komponenty chráňte pred vlhkosťou.
  • Zabezpečte správne zapojenie všetkých elektrických kontaktov, skontrolujte, či sa rozsvietili výstražné kontrolky. V opačnom prípade môže nefunkčnosť výstražných svetiel spôsobiť zníženie účinnosti brzdového systému alebo poruchu brzdovej signalizácie.
  • Zabráňte kontaktu maziva a iných mazív s brzdnými plochami brzdového kotúča, bubna, doštičiek a čeľustí, pretože by to mohlo ovplyvniť účinnosť brzdového systému a spôsobiť vážne fyzické zranenie.
  • Na montáž gumových komponentov nepoužívajte ostré nástroje, pretože by mohlo dôjsť k ich poškodeniu. Uistite sa, že všetky poškodené diely sú vymenené.
Zaručujeme, že tento výrobok spĺňa špecifikácie výrobcu a že nemá chyby materiálu a spracovania. Záruka má obmedzenú dobu trvania dva roky od dátumu nákupu alebo dlhšiu dobu stanovenú zákonom. Záruka má obmedzenú dobu trvania dva roky od dátumu nákupu alebo dlhšiu dobu stanovenú zákonom. V prípade zistenia závady je potrebné ju nahlásiť do 60 dní od jej zistenia a do dvoch rokov od dátumu nákupu. V prípade, že sa závada potvrdí a vzťahuje sa na ňu záruka, výrobok bude opravený alebo vymenený za nový alebo dôkladne zrekonštruovaný výrobok. Záruka sa nevzťahuje na škody spôsobené úplne alebo čiastočne nesprávnym používaním, požiarom, chemickou koróziou, nedovoleným používaním alebo používaním na iné účely, ako je určené, používaním na inom modeli, ako je určené, nesprávnou inštaláciou alebo v rozpore s tým, čo uvádza výrobca, alebo zanedbaním údržby Výrobku podľa pokynov výrobcu v dodanom návode.

Je ešte niečo, na čo sa chcete opýtať?

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